Preview: "9", Shane Acker (U.S.A., 2009)

Este filme promete. Mais uma pérola tecnológica da animação em 3d, mas com ar de mais do que isso. O ambiente pós-apocalíptico, o aspecto das personagens nada convecionais e todo o ar de filme de grande sala de cinema+balde de pipocas = sair de lá completamente entretido, satisfeito e de barriga cheia.

Deixo-vos a sinopse:

9 takes place in a world parallel to our own, in which the very legacy of humanity is threatened. A group of sapient rag dolls, living a post-apocalyptic existence find one of their own, 9 (Elijah Wood), who displays leadership qualities that may help them to survive.

The conflicted, but resilient group includes 1 (Christopher Plummer), a domineering war veteran; 2 (Martin Landau), an aged inventor; 5 (John C. Reilly), a stalwart mechanic; 6 (Crispin Glover), a visionary and artist; and 7 (Jennifer Connelly), a brave warrior.

Together they´ll face dangerous situations and perils, along with strange and mortal foes.

Eu tou lá.

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